News Plate Reading Pros And Cons Of DPF System

Pros And Cons Of DPF System


Pros And Cons Of DPF System

Diesel specific filters, also known as DPFs have become the solution of choice for a variety of manufacturers for dealing with soot as well as the ash that results from burning diesel. Basically they are an exhaust filter that collects soot and stores it for processing during the DPF burn.

You can clean your own dpf filter at your home if you buy dpf cleaning equipment online!

We’re all about performance and we are all aware that any restriction could affect the efficiency on an engine. What can we do about the DPF? What is it and how to treat it?

The DPF is able to be eliminated from the exhaust as well as the software. This is the simple solution to the problems caused by the DPF. I’m not going explain the legal aspects of removing the emission-related device. I’m just saying that is the easiest solution.

  • One advantage of DPF is that it DPF is the fact that it helps reduce soot getting into the atmosphere. There are those who say that it’s a good thing for the environment. It’s a vague statement at best. It is important for a DPF to regenerate or rid itself of the soot every now and then. The way to accomplish this is to make the DPF hot enough to burn off the soot , so that it can flow through the filter. One method to accomplish this is the ECU injects fuel to generate the addition temperature in the filter for it for burning off. This obviously requires more fuel (not environmentally friendly) And a lot of this extra fuel is absorbed into an engine sump, diluting the engine oil . This could result in additional oil and filter changes.
  • Similar to how catalytic converters work were introduced, lead was removed from fuel because it would foul up the converter. Vehicles with DPFs require specific oils that are lower in sulfate and ash, sulfur and phosphorus (low the saps). An oil that isn’t properly used blocks the DPF and prevent its regeneration. This makes it imperative to replace the DPF. The most obnoxious aspect of DPF is the cost to replace it.
  • Some argue that the requirement to use oil for the DPF causes internal wear rate of the engine greater than if a normal oil was employed. We will debate that another day.

The most common issue we encounter the most with DPFs is the case of a boost leak. A boost leak can cause more soot to build up in the exhaust , which can block the DPF quite quickly. Once the boost leak is fixed then a DPF clean is likely to be required. We can perform the DPF cleaning with the DPF still fitted to the vehicle. Once the DPF clean has been completed there is the possibility of a regen. Whenever it is necessary to carry out a forced regen, an oil change to the engine will be required following the regen. Do you remember to do this before the fuel is injected in order to make the DPF sufficient hot to enable regen, this extra fuel will alter the oil in the engine.

What is a compelled regen anyway? The act of forcibly imposing a regen is using a scanner to set up a burn even when the vehicle is stationary. A forced regen is typically going to use higher temperature and the regen tool will monitor the pressures inside the DPF as it goes through the process. Certain tools are required to carry out a forced regen so your typical mechanic may not be able to do this. But be aware you don’t need to go to the dealer. We recommend a variety of modern workshops with the equipment to perform that forced regen.

Forced regens

In extreme situations, forced regens will not be possible due to the extent of soot loading. The next step in the process is to perform an on car clean. The on-car cleaning tool is a two-step procedure. A cleaner is injected into the DPF and processes the soot for a certain amount of time. The cleaner is then removed from the system and leaves the DPF prepared for a regen. The car-specific cleaning equipment isn’t the most common thing for workshops to possess. We can also help with the car DPF cleaning.

This is just an introduction to the DPF and a few of the pros and cons in its application.
